Recorded: May 26, 2023

Every GOP contender for president in 2024 has a plan to invade Mexico upon taking office, and the good news is it's been done before so we don't have to guess how stupidly badly it will go.

This episode the Nerd & Ames look back at Pancho Villa's raid on a small New Mexico town — a marketing & recruiting event that went a li'l haywire — and what happened when Woodrow Wilson made another of his trademark disastrous decisions, sending the US military into Mexico to chase Villa down.

First — we chat about bad Italian-meets-Dada...

At 12:15 — we break down the cream of the GOPnik crop's big plans for invading Mexico in 2024...

At 36:24 — we tell the story of Pancho Villa, his rise & fall, his attempted comeback using a provocative raid on a US border town, which properly provoked Woodrow Wilson into ordering the US military to invade (but not really invade, but yeah to invade) Mexico in 1916, and you can guess how brilliantly that went.

Total time: 1:24:55 Direct link to this episode's mp3 here Subscribe to Radio War Nerd at Sound production by Telescope Audio Studios

  • hahafuck [they/them]
    1 year ago

    "Happily" lol. But also as I understand it he speaks a few languages and has a non-American partner and lived abroad for many decades, not that you aren't 100% also capable of it, but just that you have to start living that sorta life as soon as you can if you want to be able to live it, it will never just flip as a switch at some indeterminate time in your vague future. And all much easier when you are young as his example shows