I know we are temporarily non-lemmy, but we will reunite soon. Here's some relevant :reddit-logo: comments:
The lemmyverse currently has 54 instances, and 1.2K monthly active users.
Yeah, with numbers like that they're going to need to get the word out a whole lot more.
As of the writing of this post, we have 425 people online, which is pretty typical.
Thousands??? Last I checked Lemmy had 460 monthly users. That means a large majority of those "communities" don't really exist. With that few people, even 1 "community" is going to be looking mighty dead.
Mastadon has 10 million users and people still complain about how dead it is. Lemmy and their 460 users?? LOL.
I can't figure out why it keeps being brought up. It would crumble under any amount of real traffic. Best I can figure is all 460 of their users are shilling on reddit.
There's a bunch more but I'm not really trying to make any point besides, "huh, look at that" so I will not put in any more effort.
I would absolutely love the occasional lib wandering in and getting pounded in real time. It was the best part of the sub and when it happens here it's so much more fun because it updates live.