I said I would describe a magic system in a daily megathread and forgot (well, lost all confidence in the idea). But maybe a thread would be better for this conversation.

I also don't wish to step on anyone's actual beliefs, though practitioners can comment if they have any ideas.

A couple of easy examples:

  • Harry Potter: In this, magic is largely inherited by individuals, though it can be randomly brought in and removed from bloodlines. It does seem to give some level of fatigue when used, but honestly not that much. It does create a caste of "superior" humans by birth, humans who could never be poor and can arbitrarily exact violence on lesser beings. Even their emotions are more powerful than ordinary humans. The books don't really touch on this and our PoV character is almost a "rightful king", inheritor of vast wealth and magical artifacts.
  • Star Wars: This magic is loosely based on buddhism, though the magic itself seems to be more related to living beings (e.g. a river doesn't necessarily have karmic value unless that's what the episode of The Clone Wars is about). Nonetheless, if you squint, you can still see some of the language of "the fundamental interconnectedness of all things". It does, however, seem to have a severe hereditary component. Sometimes, you are just a poo person. In my head canon, the Dark Side is the extreme expression of self, at some point even considering one's own emotions as separate to one's self, and the light side is an acceptance of being a part of the universe. However, I feel like "grey jedi" is more popular amongst the fandom. idk. For some reason, being either very connected or very disconnected from the universe gives you phenomenal magic powers to enact your will, as long as you were born with the power.

Suggest your own short description and maybe an analysis.

I have posted about my magic system before, designed for a little dieselpunk British occupation of the Ottoman Empire, where various explorers are doing biblical archaeology. The players (this was for an RPG) are working for a British industrialist/oil guy who wants to find the tree of life and live forever. Over the course of their adventure, they find various echoes of magic that used to exist in the world but is slowly withering away. The history of magic, they find, reflects their current situation where capital is slowly strangling the world and every bit of will and life from it.

Notes on my magic:

  • Magic comes from people and relationships between people.
  • What it specifically does for most people is nebulous. Probably something like making your hearth a little warmer or a sense of which soil is more fertile? Or maybe something relational? Haven't thought about it much.
  • Magic by the ruling class is stolen. They are born with their own, just like everyone else. However, through exploitation, violence, and trickery, they steal other people's magic (or souls). This gives them a lot more power to do mythological acts, live forever, and pass their stolen magic to their children.
  • To pass magic on to one's children, you have to have some yourself, so it can be nurtured and grow. However, once it has been stolen, this no longer happens. The world's population now is entirely populated by such descendants. The ancient gods that the players encounter refer to the players (and all modern people) as "hollow ones". In the gods eyes, modern people are useless for their goals of achieving immortality.
  • This is also an analogy of how many ancient cities are barely habitable now, as the over-farming has increased the salt in the land to the point where the cities collapsed. As once fertile land was over-exploited, so have people.
  • The gods, having exhausted their populations of magical energy, eventually turn on each other in a scramble to stay alive and in power. This allows the common people to drive them out, causing some of the large migrations of antiquity as the gods and their lackeys flee in one direction or another.
  • This history is eventually forgotten over thousands of years, but is still present in the surviving gods themselves sleeping to conserve energy, transforming themselves into stone or bronze statues or whatever, and some artifacts they've imbued with power and given to their lackeys.
  • The last most active god is Yahweh, who ate his wife Asherah as they fled south into modern Arabia.

I'm not sure if I want magic to return to the world at the end of the story, or the British benefactor to find the tree of life withered and broken. If it does return, it should be able to spread (somewhat thinly) throughout the world through non-exploitative relationships.

It is also very soul-like, but seems unnecessary for life as we know it.

  • machiabelly [she/her]
    1 year ago

    I love the idea of bringing magic back into the world by destroying false idols. RPing changing personalities or relationships due to the presence of magic sounds neat. What does magic do exactly? You can steal large quantities of it to perform great rituals. But what of individuals and communities?

    I have been developing a fantasy world, mostly in my head, not much is written down. Its definetly an attempt to resolve my issues with traditional fantasy and DnD. Basically magic comes from the environment. Vibrant ecology leads to more magical places. Fantasy races are really just the effect of evolving to suit an environment. Elves are of forests, Dwarves of mountains, Orcs are of steppes and grasslands, and humans are of developed areas. Traditional magic is mostly just using the fruits magical land. Great seams of crystal or impossibly beautiful flowers can be processed into useful magical items. Basically consumables/1 use items in RPG terms.

    Magical ability is passed down almost entirely randomly, though being conceived or born in a sacred place has a small impact. 1% chance of magical ability rather than 0.5%

    Urbanization led to new magic. All life radiates certain amounts of magic, typically the more conscious the more magic. Without a natural environment to sink into magic just sorta hung in the air like cotton in the triangle factory. This is where arcane magic comes from.

    The central story is that one of the powerful arcane mages ascended to godhood in secret. They became able to bless their followers with a type of destructive magic that is more powerful the less ambient magic there is. They used this power to enslave the arcane mages and start a faith largely based around hating and subjugating them. They force the mages to create magical weapons and armor for an army to conqueror more territory. Themes of extraction, community, ecology, urban rural divide, and faith.

    First act is defending a region from being conquered, but its obvious it will fall to the empire in time. Second act is trying to start a mage revolt only for the empire to bribe them with status and comfort. Third act is uncovering false godhood and destroying the empire from within.

    The story is fine but I mostly just wanted to solve certain mechanical issues with magic that I see. Like, how are warriors as powerful as mages? Its dumb. The only way to balance it is to handicap mages. My solution of having their power come from their armaments solves that. Having races come from evolution rather than them being essential categories or things created in a gods image feels nice. Having magic based around the environment makes it easy to create material/grounded stories.

    I also like the idea of magic being semi-conscious and resistant to control.