machiabelly [she/her]

  • 28 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2020


  • Its really frustrating to me how few people are willing to seriously consider what they want from relationships and why. There are so many feminist identifying or adjacent women who never contend with the dissonance between their politics and relationships. There seem to be so few people who are actually trying to figure out what makes them, as an individual, happy in a relationship. It seems like they just look for the partner that will raise their social status the most, who isn't too much of an asshole for them to handle, and hope for the best.

  • Yes! There are hardly any fdom relationships in games. In DAI the blackwall relationship was perfectly set up for it but the devs chickened out and gave him control. The best way for me to enjoy romances is to live through the npc instead of my own character!

    Cass could've been bi or more dom obviously but I did think the baddass warrior/storybook romance crossover was cute. Realisticly she should've been "person who can pricess carry me" sexual. I refuse to believe she wouldnt have been gay for my fem qunari.

    I havent been able to play much of it because of computer issues but the romances seem to be well done. None of the romances fall for you immediatly or out of no where. They all have unique personalities and well defined dynamics with rook. I actually flirted with some of the guys too which basically never happens for me, a lesbian.

    the biggest criticism of the game is the writing. but it isnt bad like some say, its inconsistent. The major storylines and character arcs are very well done, from what I've seen, 40% ish through. BUT, there is some ultra cringe dialogue sprinkled into things like one off minor npc interactions, and the anime thing of repeating what just happened in the plot.

    people are harsh on it because it has mistakes and they focus on that, but if you focus on what it does well, it does that better than most games do.

    plus there is an actually good trans storyline! its clearly written by trans people or with trans oversight. its very realistic in how the egg talks about themself and how they process their emotions.

  • Veilguard had 3 attractive women but because none of them had all 3 of svelte figure, european facial features, and light skin gamers raged for months before release.

    None of them had the typical inviting feminine energy that most female romances have either. 1 was cold and confident, 1 had an androgynous personality and 1 was very adhd and not very sensual.

    A lot of people have absolutely zero flexibility in what they are looking for and assume that everyone else is looking for similar things in similar ways. When people deviate from what they want they can only assume others are dumb/incompetent/willfully trying to invalidate their desires. As if not being catered to is a personal attack.

    I hate pronounjak dipshits