I no longer go by the names I used to. Do I need to go through and make new accounts for EVERYTHING? Or does anyone know any tips/tricks/secrets? My big problems are Gmail, Uber, and Venmo.

  • AHopeOnceMore [he/him]B
    1 year ago

    You at least need a new email. You will need to individually either modify other accounts or create new ones, with the difference depending on whether each site (e.g. Venmo) allows you to change name/email.

    If you've ever thought about getting your own domain name + email (e.g. me@myname.com), now is a good time! It won't make these changes easier but it would mean not having to do this process again if you decided to get a domain 3 years from now.

    The benefit of having your own domain is that you won't lose your email address just because some corporation (like Google) decides to ban you for no good reason. It's also pretty easy - you can just make your email forward to gmail, fastmail, etc anyways for convenience and still get the benefits.

  • plinky [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Make new account, setup forwarding from old account, add signature to your own emails. Uber and venmo idk