    23 days ago

    "while Ukraine still has levarage ... imperfect victory"

    That's a view of the situation I can't understand. What is the leverage they currently hold? How would it be any kind of victory to settle now that they have lost so many of their cities and so much area?

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      23 days ago

      Basically, the reality of the situation is that Ukraine ends up in a worse position with each and every day. If Ukraine took the peace deal back in 2022 it would've been immeasurably better than any deal it can hope for now. Western support peaked during the time of 2023 offensive, and it's been rapidly declining since. The west pouring in money and weapons into Ukraine has been the only reason it was able to keep fighting this long. As the available resources dry up, the situation will continue to decline at an accelerating pace.