Italy has already elected a far right government that endorses fascist rallies

AfD is making record gains in Germany

National Rally are poised to win elections in France

    23 days ago

    Cyprus got an outright fascist (from the ELAM party) and another "apolitical" influencer with fascist sympathies (Fidias Panagiotou) to the EU parliament. So that's 2 out of 6 seats to fascists.

    Greece got 4 fascists in its 21 available seats (2 for the EL party, 1 for Afroditi Latinopoulou and 1 for the NIKI party). That's a record for them.

    Austrian and German fascists are also scoring a major victory in EU elections.

    Weird things are going on in France, with Macron dissolving parliament after an exit poll showing the far right winning? I have no idea what's going on there.