Marxist-Leninist (relatively novice) with an umbrella ☔

  • 3 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 1st, 2024


  • Well, it's not good. People in Greece are already working the most hours in EU, now their bosses will be able to ask them to work an additional day, for which they will be paid 40% more (but that's hardly a big benefit since wages already already low and product prices are among the most expensive in Europe). Taking into consideration also the high retirement age of 67, you can see how the system tries to maximize output by squeezing more and more out of the working class, a small gain at a time. The high bills for basic services (water and power supply) and other expenses as well as products being expensive as mentioned above, as well as the fear of being fired (syndicalism is not the same strong everywhere) will sure make a lot of workers accept the sixth working day, even if it means it will tire them out.

  • Throughout all of the time that I’ve been online and offline, I have seen far more Hitler/Stalin comparisons and equivalences than I have seen actual, direct references to these events from the Eastern Front…ponder that for a moment.

    Such comparisons are a handy propaganda tool. Presenting Stalin as a bloodthirsty dictator just like Hitler and socialism/communism as "red fascism" has been normalised by decades of McCarthyism and the political Centre trying to justify its existence. Many people uncritically take those as a given, since the media have also normalised such views, incl. by giving less air time to actually leftist views.

    It is interesting to note how various history "documentaries" made in Western Europe also present Stalin as a dictator akin to Hitler, using what is considered an "objective" medium to misrepresent the deeds and intentions of historical figures, making them into mere caricatures.

  • Well there is the factor of "looking towards" the West instead of the East. For some reason or another, some backward countries see the West as progressive and the East as conservative, this is a misconception deeply rooted in some societies. But why leftists would actually adhere to it, if only to appease to a wider electoral body, is a mystery to me. Leftists aren't usually the ones to blindly follow liberal propaganda.