Officer Down

Officer Sminkle

Lei Wulong from Tekken

Lt. Harrier DuBois (communist run)

Volcel Dredd

Those are all I can come up with.

Edit: I forgot dorner was a cop

  • Flyberius [comrade/them]
    23 days ago

    I'd say Vimes, but on subsequent read throughs he comes across as just another establishment man.

    Sad times

      • Flyberius [comrade/them]
        23 days ago

        Pretty sure he goes back in time and ends up being his own mentor to his younger self.

        Vines is a subjectively good person, but he still does cop stuff and supports the establishment, even if he didn't like it

    22 days ago

    Rustin Cohle from True Detective for the sake of the meme.

    Special Agent Dale Cooper of Twin Peaks for costing the Bureau thousands just in coffee.

      • ChestRockwell [comrade/them, any]
        22 days ago

        Mulder and Scully always shit on the local cops for whatever incident they're investigating.

        They're also suspicious of the federal government.

        The alien conspiracy is also basically the legacy of Paperclip, Unit 731, etc. in the show.

        So Mulder and Scully (together though, on his own Mulder's basically a crank) are good cops, but part of that is because the show makes all other cops comically evil (either local hicks who aren't able to recognize a corporation is doing biological testing or even complicit in whatever shit is going down) and the authority above Mulder and Scully is compromised by being a legacy of Nazi/Japanese Imperial evil. As FBI, they basically work to undermine both ends (the authority above and the shitty cops below).

        Also, in general, they don't do the flagrant evil cop shit, they're more interested in trying to get evidence to take down big corporations/the government conspiracy (of course, this never goes as planned, but hey, they're trying!)