Ben Norton - an absolute gigachad legend - goes deeper into Graham's statements and sheds some light onto US' material interests in regards to Ukraine and the war.

    18 days ago

    Whatever the end result is, I hope that Ukraine can escape the western, Banderite grasp. Best of luck to you and your parents..

    One factor that can play a significant role is the way the local people would react. My take on it is that the locals will see it as occupation

    On that regard, I imagine the local people of east Ukraine won't react too positively to being lumped in with the west again, either, though. The easternmost parts (Donbass/Crimea/likely Kharkiv/Zaporizhia/etc) certainly will never rejoin Ukraine again- and when and if Russia gets to Odessa, considering the horrors inflicted on the locals there as well, I can imagine they'd fight tooth and nail for the Russians to stay and not return them to some reformed Ukraine.

      18 days ago

      Thank you, comrade.

      considering the horrors inflicted

      Still being inflicted. I mean, it's bad everywhere, but it is no surprise it's even worse in Odessa and Kharkov