Why is it okay for videos of people being brutally killed allowed on the internet?

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I'm now convinced. Sometimes grisly sights, for journalistic and historical reasons (and shaming reasons, such as against the nazis) are important and necessary.

    That said, hog feeding knows no boundaries, and its shock value can become addictive to its consumers. See the common chanlord fixation upon "numbing" themselves for social approval by bragging about how many gore/snuff videos they have consumed. It certainly doesn't do them much good, but there's also a prevailing "let people enjoy things" thought terminating cliche that resonates across the internet that makes criticism of such dubious entertainment kind of hard to do without a defensive reaction.

    There's also layers of excuses for it, like people that claim they just "want to contemplate the fragility of life" or whatever,


    sometimes even citing ancient Buddhist practices regarding (CW: death, grisly imagery) birds picking apart rotting corpses and the like,

    to try to add some contemplative pretenses to watching gore/snuff videos.

    EDIT: I'm convinced at the necessity of specific kinds of gore/death videos now as a matter of both record and emphasis of crimes now.

    • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
      1 year ago

      sometimes even citing ancient Buddhist practices regarding (CW: death, grisly imagery) birds picking apart rotting corpses and the like

      are they talking about sky burials because that isn't what that is at all. It's primarily about returning the body to nature. That and the tradition originates in areas where digging a grave is difficult

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        It's a different practice where (CW: gore)


        buddhists used to deliberately sit and observe rotting corpses getting slowly picked apart by scavengers to contemplate the reality of life and death. It wasn't really a ceremonial sky burial; just people too poor to afford any different.