• Llituro [he/him, they/them]
    14 days ago

    He's like a singular human embodiment of modern capitalism. He doesn't even have the motivation of profit, he has apparently operated near, below, or at cost for a long time. A modern Mr Beast video costs something like $1m to produce apparently. It's literally just growth for growth sake and nothing else. Absolutely demonic, no way he knows what happiness is.

    • ryepunk [he/him]
      14 days ago

      Yeah but now he has merchandise... So everything he does is just a promotion to sell more of the crap that makes him money. Like his shitty chocolate bars that sell for three times the price of a Nestle or Cadbury chocolate bar. Chocolate is like the ultimate sin food. It's bad for you if you eat it, and the production of it was likely bad for everyone involved, and the money goes to ghouls who just want more money.

      • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
        14 days ago

        oh yeah, i don't mean to give the impression i think he's not personally wealthy or not personally implicated in human rights violations. obviously he's both those things. i'm more just getting at that he doesn't even seem to care about enjoying it, he's just the high priest of the god of the Youtube algo