Is there some easy command line that will fix this? I don't know grub very well kitty-cri

For context I was reinstalling vlc, I guess I should have updated first

  • maccruiskeen [he/him]
    1 year ago

    This is after I've made a bootable drive. I haven't been asked for a password when booting up my pc so I don't know if I'm skipping any steps

    • captcha [any]
      1 year ago

      Oh you're failing to boot into the USB drive? It sounds like you must have set it up wrong. Usually there aren't steps to "make it bootable". Instead you burn the installer image for your OS and that will make it bootable.

      Just to be clear: when you first installed manjaro you must have downloaded an installer image from the manjaro website and burn it to a USB drive. Then you would've booted from that USB drive into a live manjaro OS and run some installer program. Stop me if that doesn't sound familiar.

      If you still have that old USB drive lying around plug it in and boot. If not, or if its been rewritten you'll have to follow the instructions again to return a new manjaro USB installer.

      Once you've booted into the USB and are in some manjaro desktop. Open a terminal and proved with mounting and fixing your system like we've described above. It'll probably auto open the manjaro installation wizard, close it or ignore it. Do not run the installation wizard again because it will probably nuke your old system.

      Sorry if I'm being too hand holding here but I'm trying to avoid too much back and forth.

      • maccruiskeen [he/him]
        1 year ago

        when you first installed manjaro you must have downloaded an installer image from the manjaro website and burn it to a USB drive. Then you would've booted from that USB drive into a live manjaro OS and run some installer program.

        Sounds about right.

        If not, or if its been rewritten you'll have to follow the instructions again to return a new manjaro USB installer.

        Do you suggest using the terminal to write onto the USB? I've been using unetbootin. If it matters, I've formatted the usb to fat32 beforehand

        also let me know if i failed to read something obvious that you wrote because that happens often

        • captcha [any]
          1 year ago

          However you did it the first time you successfully installed Manjaro should still work. If you dont remember beforehand then it depends on what computers you have available. But in any case I suggest following the Manjaro wiki I linked.

          UNetBootin is overkill. Its for burning multiple live-isos to one drive which is really neat and useful but not what you need and overly complicated.

          If you have access to a linux terminal on another computer I do recommend it but only because its easier for us to talk about it as we are all text here. If something goes wrong you can just paste the output. Make sure you get your drive letter right though. It should error if you try writing to a mounted drive but you really dont want two borked systems.

          • maccruiskeen [he/him]
            1 year ago

            are there instructions for mounting partitions? i dont think ive ever used chmod and i dont want to screw something up

            • captcha [any]
              1 year ago

              Mount a Filesystem. But you'll have to investigate which drive or partition has your root partition. Mount a disk to /mnt, check if its the root partition. Once you find the root partition, you'll want to read its /etc/fstab - which will be /mnt/etc/fstab when mounted - to check for other partitions you may need to mount. You absolutely need to mount any separate boot if they exist.

              You should probably also start reading the Arch Installation Guide because you're literally repeating steps from this guide to repair your system. Specifically, you are on step 1.11, then you'll want to do 3.2, 3.6, and 3.8. 3.8 blows up into the Boot Loader guide, which leads to the guide for GRUB. I think you only need to do GRUB 1.1 to fix your system. But your should read everything in between. Some instructions won't make sense if you dont.

          • mop [he/him]
            1 year ago

            i got the usb to work using the terminal, i just have to do the other stuff now