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  • Gosplan14_the_Third [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    It's so fucking cool that in Germany and other European states we have literal fucking fascists being the only ones who are allowed to voice any criticism of NATO and the Ukraine war right now because anyone else gets buried under mountains of concern trolling by libs and the vast majority of leftists.

    It's the same problem the left has faced in 1990 (First Iraq War), 1998 (NATO bombing of Yugoslavia and intervention in Kosovo in favor of the Albanian population), 2001 (Invasion of Afghanistan), 2003 (Invasion of Iraq), 2011 (Bombing of Libya) and 2014 (Euromaidan):

    Do you support the libs in the imperialist adventure to expand the sphere of influence and economic system that's destroying the world or do you support the questionable government that's right-wing nationalist, socially reactionary, possibly religious fundamentalist and kinda militaristic... but does actually have a legitimate grievance in the fact that it needs to defend itself?

    In that case, you have a faction that goes "NATO is bad but it's spreading human rights around the world, Slava Ukraini!" (which turns into "Ukraine is based actually" through the process of self-justification of the decision made) vs the faction that goes "Russia is leading the fight for multipolarity, Z!" (and the resulting "Putin is based actually" for the same reason), plus a third faction that goes "Both of these are cringe, the workers need to overthrow both governments", which is usually the biggest group but doesn't really have any immediate solutions for a very partisan conflict, so it ends up doing little.

    And boom, you have people lured into returning to being libs, people becoming nazbols or worse and demoralized people taking the grillpill. With less people active, you also have structures disappear, manpower fall as the elderly comrades die and less youths replace them, etc.

    The fash don't have that problem. Among the small militant groups you sometimes do get such factionalism as you get debates about Asian hordes vs fighters against Globohomo or whatever, but the big fash parties are almost all pro-Russian or at least opportunistically open to diplomacy because United Russia's government is actually pretty close to what they want. Powerful, Nationalistic, Reactionary, willing to show force against people threatening its interests, especially if they're confident their country could do the same (vs for example Eastern European chuds worried their countries would be put under the exploitative conditions the United States put them under in the 80s -and only liberated themselves from only by virtue of kneeling to them, for which they were sometimes rewarded- and fear might repeat itself with Russia, to which they attribute every ill of imperialist pressure from the cold war. And in some ways, they're not entirely wrong. The USSR was always the underdog and having gathered attention from the US as pawns, they had only to gain... unless they were Romania or Bulgaria, which were less important strategically so are now in a way rougher shape from the economic transition than say the Baltics and thus the US/EU didn't pump as much free money into them.)

    (My point in my side-tangent: The politics of trying to outcompete capitalism in its own game, with their own development goals, were a mistake.)