• GarfieldYaoi [he/him]
    1 year ago


    I come from a Jewish family that rolled up in the 1890s, so I know I don't have any sins of the father. Even if I did, then it's the ancestor's fault for sinning, not me.

    Therefore, why let out a big sigh of annoyance when someone mentions that slavery happened if you truly think you have nothing to feel guilty over? You don't see me get defensive when people say Israel is a racist, apartheid state despite being Jewish.

    • mustardman [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      why let out a big sigh of annoyance when someone mentions that slavery happened if you truly think you have nothing to feel guilty over?

      Because real history doesn't make them feel warm and comfy. My guess is they wanted the plantation be some sort of Disneyland with all dark spots glossed over

      • DoubleShot [he/him]
        1 year ago

        90% of white Americans have no understanding of history and don’t care. And a big chunk of that remaining 10% also don’t have a real understanding but they’re reactionary white men who read books about history by Bill O’Reilly and Oliver North and watch the History Channel when something about WW2 is on.

        But these people don’t want to learn actual history. American history - like everything else in their lives - just exists to stroke their egos and make them feel like the Good Guys and that people like them (white folks) are also the Good Guys.