
text from Terry Pratchett; art by Higgs who's tumblr i've linked

i can't rember which book this is from -- i wanna say it's Men at Arms but it could even be Guards Guards. Higgs seems to think it's Night Watch, but I'm pretty sure it happened before that...

in the post here

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    1 year ago

    I'd suggest finding some forums where construction workers, foundary workers, surveyors, park rangers, etc. hang out. They'll know what companies are making worthwhile boots right now and who is making shit. I can't remember how old my last pair of paratrooper boots are, but I want to say at least 7 years, probably more like a decade, and they're on their second or third pair of soles. They're corcorans. Currently 225ish, union made (I think) in PA.