• itappearsthat [he/him]
    8 days ago

    this is a very funny screenshot but I will be pedantic and say businesses allying with the far right due to fear of mild left-wing policies is not a phenomenon unique to neoliberalism; what is unique to neoliberalism is the far right achieving popular appeal due to an absolutely useless neoliberal party that kills everything to its left and governs the same way as everything to its right

    • Philosoraptor [he/him, comrade/them]
      8 days ago

      Neoliberalism has also significantly ramped up the amount of political power and influence that business has, making its alliance with the far right more potentially destructive than it otherwise would be. If all politicians are chasing approval by and tying themselves in knots trying to please business interests, then when business interests fall in with fascists, the government follows immediately.