New account, lost my old one and haven't been on in months. Just needed to vent to like minded people.

Without too much detail, on a vacation with my partner to celebrate a very big anniversary. It's been great times so far, and we're coming into the last leg of our journey, taking a high speed train to a major EU city (fuck yeah trains!!). We get our seats, and these 4 young ~20 something Turkish boys occupy the whole row behind us. Pretty sure they were Turkish from my limited knowledge of the Turkish language - either way who cares, Turkey can take the heat for these little shit heads. They spoke English most of the time.

At any rate, we're hot, my partner is sick from some bad prosciutto or something so we're not having a good time, but we want to get to our hotel, pronto.

These little rat dicks are louder than the typical American chud, and they're right away talking about making girls cry and eluding to sexual exploits as the reason why while following up with misogynist comments. Ohhh, boy... We pop in our noise cancelling headphones and get to reading for the hour and a half trip. Their faint chirping not overcoming the music...

But things get louder... I start to pick up on some words. CW: "jokes" about rape.

My ears are perking up, but I'm trying to ignore it. See, I'm in a weird stage of transition, not on HRT, and I can pass occasionally. But today I'm in full boy mode, sans my nails and clothes. I figure any time I'm in a confined space with strangers, I really don't want to call attention to myself - today it was a good call.

So, these little psychopaths were having a good laugh about different scenarios of raping trans women, and cis women. The trans women discussion of course was following by degrading language about us. The cis women part was nonchalant with an attitude of 'what do we care if we get what we want?'. They touched on mocking people with disabilities too.

My partner and I couldn't drown it out with our headphones they were so fucking loud with this vile filth. Finally, a woman a couple of rows up stood up and told them people were trying to rest and their conversations were really inappropriate. My partner and I turned and further baked her up, trying to be the kind people that we are, cueing them in to their antisocial behavior. They quiet down a bit...

A few minutes later they're getting louder and they started going on about jerking it and what they do with their spooge....

I finally turned around and said something like 'now you're all talking about your dicks and jerking it? Why do you think that's okay? Everyone else around you is disgusted right now, we're just the the ones willing to say it'. That shut shit down for a minute, they had quiet-er exchanges about 'bruh, yeah that's not appropriate.' or some shit... Then they switched to Turkish and we started to pick up on some of the cognates in the languages we speak. Little shits were talking about trans women again and their intonations seemed to very much be the same topics of discussion. Kinda glad I couldn't understand it, still they got louder and louder till the end.

As we all disembarked, we had louder conversations with other passengers about their shameful language, well within earshot.

Woven into all their convos were PUA keywords and slogans. These little bastards gave us a new bout of depression about the future of this world.

Should we as a society be harsher towards the behaviors of young boys like this? What can we do about behavior life this in public?

Sorry for the diatribe, thanks for reading if you made it.

Tl;dr: Turkish bros on holiday loudly discussing and joking about rape while being transphobic and ableist.

  • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
    11 months ago

    reactionaries will sadly continue to exist. i would suggest getting noise cancelling headphones (sony xm4/xm5 are pretty good), very effective.

  • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    11 months ago

    My partner and I turned and further baked her up

    I kinda wish that was the happy ending where you shared weed on a train with a fellow passenger with morals and standards.

    • tactical_trans_karen [she/her, comrade/them]
      11 months ago

      Lol, too much rage to spell check. Would have been nice. I'm all for some debauchery if that's what you enjoy and everyone is enthusiastically consenting... But no one on this packed train consented to this dumb kid practically shouting "bro, she's so hot I wanna cum on her face!!!".