Boomer rant incoming

So it used to be there were certain situations in which it was expected to tip, most obvious being restaurants, bars, cabs, hair stylists etc. I now understand that at restaurants at least 25% is the minimum and ok, ouch but I get that.

What I am having a hard time with is like yesterday I got lunch from a fast food counter at an amusement park and the credit card machine had an option to tip. Of course I know the people working there are exploited so I hit the 15%, even though this would have in the past never been a tipping situation (are the workers even getting that money?) The scam obviously is businesses outsourcing the cost of labor to the consumer, they ask us to tip so they can continue to underpay their workers.

I have even gotten tip prompts at the fucking grocery store!

I guess there’s no point to this other than tipping sucks and should be abolished and companies should just be forced to pay a living wage

  • sovietknuckles [they/them]
    1 year ago

    I'm guessing that means they don't get them. More people should start asking employees about it because apparently some of them aren't even aware.

    Yep employees absolutely know when they make a tipped wage. The only time to tip is when they do, because otherwise employees aren't receiving it.