Legendary comedian and host of popular game show 'Family Feud', Steve Harvey, is in the hot seat once again after a former lover came forward with allegations that the late host has a custom dialysis machine that hooks up to his penis.

The anonymous lover reported that since their relationship began, Harvey connected his penis to this machine “in order to retain penile youth.” Normal dialysis machines cycle and filter blood within the body, replacing kidney function, but this custom dialysis machine only filters blood around Harvey’s penis and gonads. The anonymous lover also tells us that the blood came from a “twenty year old blood boy” whose sole purpose was getting his blood drawn which would then be filtered around Harvey’s Vampenis.

Harvey's former lover remains anonymous, but recently filed court documents allege that they "had to insert the needles into [his] shaft . . . it looked painful, [they] couldn't keep up," says the source. "One time it got infected so his penis was an unrecognizable blob of slop. [They] left him two weeks later".

Harvey is currently trying to get the case moved to the Transylvanian penal system, which he claims "would be funny". We will update with more details as they become available.