Hey Privacy people,

I am looking for a OneNote alternative for all my campaign notes for my tabletop RPGs. I was looking at Obsidian.md as an option and wondering what their data collection is like?

Fot all my personal and private notes I use standard notes but the free version is not quite roboist enougj. I can't afford to pay premium any time soon I need a free option I can use.

Any suggestions ?

  • Sem@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    OrgNote. The project is still quite raw but the developer works hard and the overall idea and philosophy behind the project is perfect for me. Fully compatible with emacs org-roam, most probably compatible with logseq. There is a "fully managed" free version with PGP support or an option for a self-hosted server.

    Project: https://github.com/Artawower/orgnote Manifesto: https://github.com/Artawower/orgnote/wiki#manifesto