I am a software engineer living and working in Belgrade, Serbia. My hobbies contain a lot of things including cycling, bikepacking, photography and quantum computations.

All the photos in my posts are made by myself (if not specified other) and are shared under CC-BY 4.0.

  • 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2023


  • For me one of the most flexible and mature way to knowledge base, tasks and notes is an org-mode.

    I have two main workflows. The first one is task management. I have a lot of recurring tasks with tags, deadlines, schedules, etc. All of them are living in org-files in my Nextcloud. On Android I'm using orgzly-reviwed for sync via WebDAV, on my work I'm using organice (via WebDAV) as a "web-version" and also I'm editing my notes in emacs on my laptop (but actually any text editor could be used).

    The second one is a knowledge base. I'm using org-roam locally (and with a localhost web server, built in into emacs) and orgnote for Android/Web + synchronization. My knowledge base is Zettelkasten-based.

    Orgzly-reviewed: https://github.com/orgzly-revived/orgzly-android-revived

    Organice: https://github.com/200ok-ch/organice

    Orgnote: https://github.com/Artawower/orgnote

    Orgnote provide a way to encrypt all notes by your own key/password. With orgzly I'm relying on Nextcloud encryption.

  • OrgNote. The project is still quite raw but the developer works hard and the overall idea and philosophy behind the project is perfect for me. Fully compatible with emacs org-roam, most probably compatible with logseq. There is a "fully managed" free version with PGP support or an option for a self-hosted server.

    Project: https://github.com/Artawower/orgnote Manifesto: https://github.com/Artawower/orgnote/wiki#manifesto

  • Automatic AI-powered screen lock for when your phone is snatched. Theft Detection Lock is a powerful new feature that uses Google AI to sense if someone snatches your phone from your hand and tries to run, bike or drive away.

    Does it mean, that "Google AI" will running 24/7 in background, measuring how I use my phone, with an access to accelerometers data and location data?

  • To be honest, I do not understand, why people try to judge quotes by its authors. If Adolf Hitler once said that Erarth is round, the authorship doesn't make this quote automatically false. Even bloody dictators can say sometimes something truly, whats the problem here?

  • As a russian I can say that Putin is definitely crazy. He always was crazy a littlw due to his KGB past, you know, some tendency to overestimate impact of special servies and conspiracy. But I guess that the last drop was a covid pandemic when he sitted alone in bunker for a year in a total isolation. He totally out of mind. I do not think that one should seriously look at his speeches. Also, as a native russian speaker I watched a video interview and can proove that the translation is cirrect. He really said it...