100lbs of rice and 50lbs of beans just fucking destroyed. These blighted assholes are really making me rethink my "no-kill" trap policy.
100lbs of rice and 50lbs of beans just fucking destroyed. These blighted assholes are really making me rethink my "no-kill" trap policy.
Might be worth getting some large containers that they can't chew through to put that much dry food in?
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I feel you man I live in the country and all my shit is in plastic bins because of mice. Sorry you had to find out the hard way.
And yes you have to kill them or you will get infested. Use A LOT of snap traps. I have 10 in my attic and one in every cabinet. Poison baits hurt raptors and should be illegal tbh.
Get these
And whatever you do, don’t get glue traps, trust me. Snap traps are kill-humane as they kill instantly.