Your precious little site is living on BORROWED TIME. We have already thoroughly infiltrated your moderator cabal. Our cyberpenetration forces are on standby and will fire when I give the order.
Your precious little site will collapse like the Twin Towers, unleashing a fury of firestorm and destruction upon your hapless users. The few that escape will later succumb from the effects of cyber-asbestos. Have fun with your cybernetic cancer life-shortening enhancements.
We know everything about you, and soon, so will everyone else. Have fun with your friends abandoning you and your spouses divorcing you once they discover your hexbearite tendencies. Have fun seeing your names associated with your disgusting activity on the New York Times. It's the only thing you'll ever be known for: a bitchly tankie loser that spends all of their free time justifying brutal invasions and war crimes. Have fun explaining how the infants deserved it to your mother. You will be forever branded with the mark of Hexbear.
The day of reckoning is coming. This will be your Kerch Bridge disaster. Better start running like the cowards that you are, my little hexbearites. You'll be wishing the "Hex Bear" was here to protect you. In the meantime, I'll be enjoying your squealing.
Tick tock tanknuts.
- Ho_Chi_Chungus [she/her]·1 year ago