NEW YORK was on fire today when a catastrophic pile up occurred early morning on the Clearview Expressway Interstate 295, the culprit was none other than voice acting legend Samuel E. Wright mostly known for being the voice behind Sebastian in the 1995 film The Little Mermaid. Nobody can forget his performance for the song Under The Sea which reappeared in the live action reboot of the film earlier this year, Sadly Samuel couldn’t reprise his role as Sebastian as he couldn’t sing so the role was passed over to a star of the Broadway hit Hamilton, Daveed Diggs.

Survivors of the crash which killed 37 and injured 56, retell the horrors that occurred early morning. We spoke with Megan Beady who luckily swerved out of the way and avoided the pile up “by inches” she claims.

“It was the usual commute to work, everything was fine until a car was going about 80-90 sped past me and just swerved into a van. The van tumbled around and I was inches away from hitting it so that’s when I swerved to the right and stopped at the breakdown lane. Then I just watched as more and more cars kept hitting each other and setting on fire, it was horrible the sounds were scary and the smoke was just really thick. After the pile up settlers down a bunch of us got out and ran over to the crash to see if we could do anything but it was just too dangerous. You could just feel the heat from some of the fire that prevented me from approaching, some were brave enough though. It was like a horror movie I couldn’t believe it.”

Wrights car was found “mostly intact” says first responder Fire Fighter Steve Wainright, “the ride front side was severely damaged but everything else including the passengers bodies were mostly intact.” Wright was said to have been driving with another passenger except the location of said passenger adds a bizarre twist. “The passenger was found under the drivers seat, when we opened the vehicle we found Wrights pants around his ankles and he was exposed.”

Coroners found that Samuel Wright in fact died of a heart attack which would have led to him not being able to control his vehicle but traces of semen were found in and around his private areas which would conclude he was receiving oral sex behind the wheel. Police will investigate the crash further but this shocking revelation tarnishes the beloved voice actors image. A spokesman for the NYPD condemns Wright’s actions and calls his act irresponsible, “he killed 37… that’s 37 people not going home tonight and he injured a further 56 with 13 of those in critical condition. They might not make it. You should never put yourself and others at risk by engaging in sexual acts on the road.”

More updates to come.