This is a second, special Monday edition of Anime Night by popular demand, following on from the A-ko 1&2 night we did back in June. It’s the legendary inexplicably-superpowered schoolgirl OVAs Project A-ko 3 (1988) and Project A-ko 4 (1989)! They are pretty much Chicks Rock: The Movies. 3 has been remastered, but 4 will have to settle for a VHS rip.
We’ll start at 9PM EST on Hextube, right here:
Be there, comrades!
- Project A-ko 3:
- Project A-ko 4: links:
- Look, I'm just gonna link the page for the first one, since all of them feature similar stuff:
- “Man in a dress” jokes. The aliens look like men who dress as women. The characters barely acknowledge this fact directly, but the depiction is still problematic.
- Bugs.
- Stalking.
- Mention of sexual assault (but no depiction).
- Someone struggles to breathe.
- Kidnapping.
- Bath scene.
- Flashing lights.
- Plane crash.
- Gun violence.
- Nuclear explosion.
- Objectification of female characters.
- Panty shots of high-school-aged girls.
Links to movies:
- Project A-ko 3:
- Project A-ko 4:
Hey comrade, I think we had better schedule this for tomorrow. Sorry, I need to do some stuff tonight.
No worries, ty for your service