I mean stuff like Meta, crypto and all that obvious scam shit that rich people seem to be diving dick first into lately.

Zuck supposedly spent BILLIONS on Meta, and when you look at the result, yeah, it's clear that the money wasn't being spent on the actual product. So where did that money really go?

Or are billionaires just really that bad with money and ideas?

brace-watching Something is sus about just how stupid with their money they've become. I mean, they were always stupid, but when you have that much money and power you have to be a special kind of inept to do what Zuck and Musk have been doing to their companies.

  • Wheaties [she/her]
    1 year ago

    There was a promise, a dream inherent to the early internet. "The Information Super-Highway" was supposed to be full of all this liberatory potential. Easy access to art, ideas, and computer code was supposed to radically alter the fabric of society -- to usher in the new millennium. This all seems quaint now, 'cus we're living with the actual results. Instead of rejuvenating social relations, the internet took the decay brought on by market forces and accelerated it. You don't see people talk about the internet as liberatory anymore because it's obvious to all of us that it isn't. Except...

    ...except for the people it did liberate. Or, more accurately, except for the lucky winners. The people who built their success off of it. They still see The Net as something capable of altering human relations. They still think they're the founders of a new world, not just the newest batch of petty tyrants of the same old one. Why should they think differently? For them, there has been no reason to reevaluate the myth. Because, so far, all their personal experiences, all their material interests, are still in accord with it.

    So, I don't think the money went anywhere sneaky. It simply got spent on dumb projects. I think they're just suffering from their own success. Coddled by it. Insulated in it.