why do libs act like I gotta memorize their whole fucking wiki just to have a seat at the table

does quantitative tightening help fight inflation? maybe! will reserve requirements and savings bonds help? I don't know! does pissing on a fire help put it out? maybe?!

do you know? no you don't! you're just repeating shit you heard from more credentialed libs! who are usually doing the exact same! and if you follow this chain of deference all the way to the top you'll probably land on some sort of bank executive! so cringe! no thanks!!

sometimes making things simpler also makes them more correct. minecraft your tyrants. that is all thank you for listening

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    11 months ago

    It’s a caste of high priests protecting us from ourselves.

    Its funny to see all the neocons and MAGA-heads insisting "The company went bankrupt because it was too woke!" when its really not far off from what their neoliberal peers genuinely believe.