Thanks to one of you in particular, who I gather wishes to remain anonymous, I was able to put a deposit down on an apartment: thank you for all the big things you’ve done, but especially thank you for the small things that kept me going when I thought about giving up. I’d like to thank that person, everyone who donated to the GoFundMe, and those of you who helped me out in other ways; you will always have my sincere gratitude. I’ve had a few unpleasant moments over the past several months, but your support has made those moments infinitely more bearable than if I were to face them alone.

The Apartment

I emptied out my bank account and put a deposit down on an apartment. We did paperwork, scheduled a viewing after a deep cleaning, and arranged to have the utilities turned on.

The apartment is a partially furnished studio in the South Side. It’s on the small side, but not cramped considering it’s for a single occupant. The immediate area has a relatively low crime rate, particularly for a low-income area in the city. I should be able to move-in within the next 12 or so days.

Tutoring Again

I was offered another tutoring gig with the same student, for similar compensation, while I was trying to earn and gather money for the deposit. The position was still open after I had made the deposit; so, I took it. This time I was granted nicer budget hotel room but my meals were limited by a set dollar value.

This is the second half of my student’s differential equations course: where the first half focused on theory and technique, this half seems to focus on practical applications and technical refinement. Though our tutoring period was shorter than the first time, I believe he’ll do just fine on his exam.

He did do fine. He passed with a higher score than last time. He still does not want to be an engineer though.

Update on Mike

You might recall Mike: he was one of the first unhoused people I met; you helped him regain control of his money with a prepaid debit card that he could use to receive direct deposits. He has since rid himself of the debit card because he recently qualified for a proper bank account. He got his new ID card.

He’s moved into what I thought was a group home, but from his description sounds more like an assisted living facility. He has a private room and shared bathroom. They provide his physical therapy on-site and arrange travel to and from his medical appointments. They even have outings to theaters, shopping centers, and a swimming pool.

Overall, he says he’s the happiest he’s been in years; his only complaint being the shared bathroom.

Odds and Ends

This was just a short update; I’m probably going to rewrite or expand it in the near future—I just wanted to fill you in on what’s been going on. My foot is healing well. I haven’t been able to sleep recently. I’ve been a bit hungry, for above stated reasons—of course, those of you who’ve met me in real life know that I could stand to skip a few meals. I’ve switched back to looking for permanent employment; this was a practical decision because it’s been next to impossible to get to either temp agency, from where I’m presently based, before they’re exhausted for the day.

  • LaBellaLotta [any]
    11 months ago

    This saga has been incredible to follow. You have had an unbelievable and fascinating life and I’m so sorry for the struggles you have been dealing with. Really glad to hear you’re finding some stability. It’s an amazing feeling after living rough. Social violence is really something and I am so glad to hear you’re slowly but surely experiencing less of it.