Welcome! Don’t let the ironic detachment fool you, this is one of the kindest and most well moderated places on the internet.

Be open to having your opinions challenged because if you’re from the anglosphere I promise you the propaganda and indoctrination run much deeper than you expect. No one challenging your views is doing so out of some desire to personally attack you. Feel free to report if that’s what it feels like because our mods are A1 best in the fediverse and they will attend to that shit. Most of us are just trying not to feel hopeless and powerless, especially those of us in the west. Sometimes that can manifest as vitriolic rhetoric but our mods are pretty good and catching and stamping that shit out.

We all believe that growth happens through struggle and we’ve all had to struggle a lot with each other and ourselves to arrive at the positions we carry. And do not mistake this for a hive mind because there’s actually a pretty wide range of beliefs here and we’re all the better for it.

And we all recognize that we are all fallible and so it’s ok to be wrong about things. We get stuff wrong all the time here. But often times the difference between correct and incorrect is not so much whether “X thing happened like this” vs “actually X thing happened like this” but “X thing happened like this” vs “I do not have the firsthand knowledge or resources to say how X thing happened or whether it’s happening at all”. This is especially true when it comes to current events. (Uyghur “genocide” being a great example of this)

Just keep an open mind and remember that the atomic unit of propaganda is NOT falsehood, it’s EMPHASIS.

And if that comment about Xinjiang is too spicy for you then DM me so I can set you up w/ my homie Mehmet. He’s no Authoritarian tankie totalitarian apologist and he can get you an incredible deal on some Iraqi WMD’s!

Oh and don’t clean the owl, we like them that way!

    • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
      1 year ago

      Took me a minute to remember about Twitter banana discourse but I was appreciating the meme just as much without getting the reference.

        • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
          1 year ago

          Somebody said that under global socialism there wouldn't be year round bananas in like Ohio bc the supply chain wouldn't make sense and everyone started arguing about it.

          • FourteenEyes [he/him]
            1 year ago

            Under global socialism every community would have local hot houses for cultivating exotic fruits

          • ElChapoDeChapo [he/him, comrade/them]
            1 year ago

            I'm with the chapo boys on this one, who even likes bananas? They're a pretty mediocre fruit

            Plantains on the other hand you can pry from my cold dead hands

            • pooh [she/her, any]
              1 year ago

              Bananas that they sell in places like the US are garbage because that variety is grown for the purpose of being easier to ship without going bad and not for flavor. Bananas in countries like Brazil, on the other hand, are more diverse and typically much more flavorful, depending on the strain.

              • SerLava [he/him]
                1 year ago

                Yeah I used to have bananas in my backyard and they were fire, and some people had ones that tasted like cotton candy or some shit

            • glans [it/its]
              1 year ago

              bananas are supposed to be cheap.

              but if you subtract the weight of the skin, which is inedible, unsmokable and otherwise not consumable, it is not particularly cheap actually.

              plantains have thinner skin and bigger meat so there is less waste.

              mini bananas are ++++expensive