I mean, I’m vegan, I don’t want her to eat fish tacos. But she was telling me the other day that her friend ordered some and she thought for a moment about trying it, but in the end she was afraid they would be too spicy. I told her they’re not, but she has it in her head that fish tacos are some strange foreign food that will fuck up her taste buds or something. A grown ass adult afraid to try fish tacos.

Then you have my dad. He is surprisingly cool with me being vegan, doesn’t really care. He’s never criticized or made fun. But he will never eat any vegan meal I prepare. Why? Because he won’t eat any entree that doesn’t have meat in it. He just refuses. Like an adult baby. My mom has asked him to just try eating a salad but he won’t. Absolutely zero interest in trying anything new that he thinks he won’t like.

Old white people are weird.

  • duderium [he/him]
    1 year ago

    My dad is a literal professional chef and will try almost any kind of food. He’s also a relatively international person who is open to new experiences and cultures (although he’s a fuckin’ lib). My mom would be satisfied watching the same handful of old movies over and over again in her house with her German shepherd while eating nothing except ham and potatoes for the rest of her life. (She’s also a lib but took her sweet time switching from Warren to Bernie, unlike my dad, who claimed that he supported Bernie before it was cool.)

    Then there’s me, a death-to-amerikkka communist. I ate snails in Korea but couldn’t eat the live baby octopus or the still-moving chopped-up tentacles. I would be a vegetarian all the time if not for family pressure, but I do go for days sometimes without eating meat.