Lemmy.world still discussing if they want to defederate from an instance taken over by exploding-heads.

An instance that includes such gems as

CW Transphobia, Homophobia


Strange pattern emerging from lemmy.world with an admin advertising their business in the adhd community, allowing virulently Islamophobic atheistmemes community and now repeating the exploding-heads (we have to patiently discuss blocking the instance) course of action instead of a preemptive defederation, it is their last resort though.

The post on lemmy.world discussing it as well: https://lemmy.world/post/2680147

As of this post the blocked instances are here



  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    hace 11 meses

    Liberals continue to prove they are just fascism-light.

    This is why anti-communism should always be treated with suspicion.

      • DictatrshipOfTheseus [comrade/them, any]
        hace 11 meses

        I wonder if we were to do another vote on whether hexbear should federate, if we'd get roughly the same ratio of people for it and against as last time, or if there would turn out to be more people getting wary about the whole prospect of federation, if not outright changing their mind. Would some of the lets-fucking-go people be more trepidatious maybe? Just given how weird things have gotten around here recently (imo) and how much the inter-instance drama has already become so prevalent of a topic. And we haven't even federated yet!

        There are valid reasons to federate, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about some of the potential ways it could change this community.

  • SexUnderSocialism [she/her]
    hace 11 meses

    Hexbear: Our community has different opinions on the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, and we are not pro-NATO.

    Lemmy.world: Don't federate with these tankies! rage-cry

    Rammy.site: <Straight up transphobia, homophobia, and other bigoted fascist rhetoric>

    Lemmy.world: Uhm.. should we really defederate from them just for being offended? maybe-later-kiddo

    Scratch a LIB and a frothingfash bleeds, indeed.

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    hace 11 meses

    "Oh sure they may be literal nazis openly spreading hate against trans people, but do we know their stance on NATO?"

  • LeZero [he/him]
    hace 11 meses



    Did they ever try to reach the admins here?

      • AcidSmiley [she/her]
        hace 11 meses

        So they're openly admitting that they're treating a transphobic nazi instance better than a trans inclusive leftist one. Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds, every single time.

          • Awoo [she/her]
            hace 11 meses

            "suck off a liberal and a fascist cums"

            Lmao do they not understand the concept of in-jokes? Fucking children. This guy sounds like he's either a teenager or very early twenties.

          • Gay_Tomato [they/them, it/its]
            hace 11 meses

            When I mentioned it in the lemmy instance admin chat they kept demanding an explanation for how I could possibly say "suck off a liberal and a fascist cums"

            What boring losers.

          • alcoholicorn [comrade/them, doe/deer]
            hace 11 meses

            Most libs won't deny that if they get attacked, they'll move to the right, and there's tons of historical evidence, did you explain to them the thing about scratched liberals?

        • Sphere [he/him, they/them]
          hace 11 meses

          From the LW admin:

          Honestly those ultra right-wingers are pretty bad but the ultra left-wingers are worse.

          • Barabas [he/him]
            hace 11 meses

            The right wingers are people they can feel smugly superior to. A nazi can be dismissed out of hand and you don't really have to argue the point. You can just coast on not being obviously terrible.

            A left winger will be a lot harder to dismiss out of hand. Same reason people get irrationally angry at vegans, climate change protestors and anti-discrimination activists. And you have to do ridiculous mental gymnastics to justify not improving things and that everything is fine actually.

            Self crit is the worst nightmare of a Liberal.

      • LeZero [he/him]
        hace 11 meses

        And the redditors of lemmy.world will lap this shit up

        "LW Admins must be Nazi lovers and transphobes" so that one is correct then

      • kristina [she/her]
        hace 11 meses

        which group of admins is saying this, the lemmy.ml admins? or lemmy.world

        why do they all keep choosing the same names ohnoes

      • HiddenLayer5@lemmygrad.ml
        hace 11 meses

        I'm having trouble finding it in the Matrix room. Do you happen to have screenshots or preferably a timestamp we can scroll up to in the official room?

        Please don't think it's because I don't trust you. But they seem to be doing a damn good job taking command of the narrative and I'm seeing if we can get an archive of public recorded interactions for the Hexbear vs Dotworld incident going. Something unbiased we can post that's independently verifiable and can allow general Lemmy users to form their own conclusions.

  • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
    hace 11 meses

    "They're literally calling us Nazis because we want to do the thing the Nazis did to the people the Nazis did it to! To protect children!"


  • johnbrownwasright [she/her]
    hace 11 meses

    They are so fast to defederate with us but I bet there will be a poll and a whole struggle session before they defederate them. Whatever I'm just glad for all the lemmy.world drama, bc I had forgotten about this site and I have been so lost

  • wopazoo [he/him]
    hace 11 meses

    Lemmy.world admins are obviously fascists. The fact that they pearl-clutch over defederating Nazi instances while defederating socialist instances without a second thought proves this.

    • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
      hace 11 meses

      my theory is that they begrudgingly keep lemmygrad around because it at least reinforces libs' ideas of what commies are like aesthetically (engaging with our ideas is of course not in the cards), whereas hexbear is at times more aesthetically inviting to libs, and unserious, and in that way can serve as a pipeline for different types of people to learning that hey, maybe US hegemony is actually a bad thing, and on from there... Hexbear is much more ideologically consistent than r/cth ever was but it still leaves enough wiggle room to serve as a radicalizing force I think, which is what scares our scratched friends over at lemmy.world

    • seawoowaes [comrade/them]
      hace 11 meses


      CW: Transphobia, Homophobia, Racism

      "Original Post:
      Today, we want to inform everyone that we have decided to defederate from https://exploding-heads.com/. We understand that defederating should always be a last resort, and individuals can certainly block communities. However, blocking alone does not prevent potential harm to vulnerable communities.

      After carefully reviewing the instance, reported posts, and multiple comments from the community, we have concluded that exploding-heads is not adhering to the Lemmy or Citizen Code of Conduct. Therefore, we cannot, in good faith, continue to federate with an instance that consistently promotes hate, racism, and bullying.

      https://lemmy.world/post/577526 - Community Moderator Harassment
      https://exploding-heads.com/post/92194 - Systemadmin Post
      https://exploding-heads.com/post/90780 - Systemadmin Post
      https://exploding-heads.com/post/91488 - Systemadmin Post
      https://exploding-heads.com/post/93725 - Community Moderator Post

      Again, deciding to defederate from an instance is not taken lightly. In the future, we will continue to review instances on a case-by-case bases.

      As for our community, please refrain from posting or commenting with hateful words as well. Arguing back and calling people names is not the solution. The best course of action is to report the posts or comments violating our server rules.

      Lemmy Code of Conduct
      Citizen Code of Conduct https://github.com/stumpsyn/policies/blob/master/citizen_code_of_conduct.md

      “We are committed to providing a friendly, safe, and welcoming environment for all, regardless of level of experience, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, nationality, or other similar characteristic.”"

  • Barabas [he/him]
    hace 11 meses

    They said it was because hexbear was pushing an ideology and therefore had nothing of value to add to the conversation

    As opposed to liberals who preemptively ban forums so that people won't get exposed to anything anti-nato. No ideology there.

    This site is not advocating violence (like plenty of left groups do) and it’s not instigating bigotry (you’re allowed to make your own thoughts and opinions.) What your advocating for is basically censorship and you’re trying to turn this place into another far-left Reddit hell hole.

    Lol. Lmao even.

    If it’s as bad as it sounds from the quotes I read, then it should definitely be defederated from. Any instance peddling hate and/or propoganda needs to be defederated immediately. They need to be denied audiences.

    I expect this person think they are a completely rational actor and not affected in the least by 'propaganda'. Now, we need to report on our wholesome chungus Ukrainian patriots who have those silly tattoos and worship literal fucking nazis as cuddly friendos who love cattos. It is only propaganda if it goes against the imperial core corporate media.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      hace 11 meses

      Any instance peddling hate and/or propoganda

      Ban news and politics communities too then. What the fuck do these people think propaganda is? Also puting hate on the same level as spreading of ideas is absurd.

  • temptest [any]
    hace 11 meses

    So what's the deal with exploding heads? I was familiar with it a year ago and dismissed it because it had nothing except thousands of news posts by the admin. And that wasn't just one glance, that's all it was for a while, and basically the only place that federated with it died before the big reddit exodus.

    Did it actually get an audience of anti-vaxxers and become non-trivial?

      • temptest [any]
        hace 11 meses

        Was looking for something more helpful.

        • Awoo [she/her]
          hace 11 meses

          I don't understand? What more do you want? They have always been nazis who are smart enough to try and barely hide their "power level".

          • temptest [any]
            hace 11 meses

            Like I said, I was familiar with the place a year ago, I realize it's a rightoid instance. At the time, it was essentially a single person. I'm wondering if that's no longer the case, and it's actually become relevant since then.

            Hence the question: "Did it actually get an audience of anti-vaxxers and become non-trivial?"