wojak-nooo billionaire-tears grill-broke gayroller-2000

  • SexUnderSocialism [she/her]
    11 months ago

    I remember chuds claiming that Bud Light has trans semen in it. spray-bottle They're basically just letting us know their fetishes, aren't they? kitty-cri-screm

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      11 months ago

      Chuds still don't get that the entire reason girlcum is so much better is that there's next to no semen in it picard

      • SexUnderSocialism [she/her]
        11 months ago

        And don't tell them that even being able to ejaculate while on HRT is not as common as they think it is. shrek-troll

        • AcidSmiley [she/her]
          11 months ago

          yeah these people don't get that hormones actually do something. when they hear a term like feminine penis, they think it's some postmodern neomarxist conceptual thingie, they don't understand that being on estrogen biologically turns your d into a novel kind of sex organ that doesn't work like either a cismale penis or a vagina.

          • SexUnderSocialism [she/her]
            11 months ago

            yea Like wtf do they think we take hormones for? Because they taste good? I always cringe when they try to make a point about how we're "biologically male", as if hormones don't control the function of entire organs, and affect biological processes in the body. And of course the whole bullshit sports debate is centered on ignoring this basic fact. I've lost so much muscle mass over the years, I struggle to even open a can of fucking pickles, but apparently I have an advantage over every cis woman. agony-minion Clown world.

    • GarfieldYaoi [he/him]
      11 months ago

      CHUDs are complete pornbrains.

      • Their idea of what a man should be? Just like big daddy from their porn, a hulking gorilla.

      • LGBT!? Sex! Nothing else. They might treat me the way they treat women!

      • They're upset with women for not acting they way they do in porn, as walking fleshlights for big daddy.

      And they want to be the one to lecture us on "wholesome family values", but the right consistently watches more fucked up porn than the left. How the hell does /pol/ or any other CHUD never question how they ping-pong between cackling like cartoon villains over all the evil they plan in their world domination schemes, and then act like sanctimonious, holier-than-thou prudes 5 minutes later?