The downside is the community's documentation is scattered trash compared to any other technical part of the internet.
It took me almost 10 years to finally enjoy Ocarina of Time that I have a legit VC copy of. I want to load up a majoras mask wad and all the forum posts just read like lists of codewords i'm not cool enough to know. I set this up almost a year ago, I don't remember what ios versions I installed. I'm gonna have to reboot this thing like 10 times before I figure it out.
Edit: Hacked my 3ds for advance wars, holy shit themes have sound.
I have to use my Wii in maintenance mode or else it freezes on the main menu. It’s usable but it’s a little annoying having to do that and I’ve thought about modding it to try and fix it, but I don’t really know where to start and I don’t want to lose any of my virtual console games (though now that super Mario 3D all stars is out I’m a little less worried)
If you load homebrew, theres some simple steps you can take to back up your internal nand including saves and vc games.
At this point if you lost a vc game, you can just pirate the wad again and use your backed up save.
Thanks that’s good to know.