Hello, Windows 10 user of about a year now. I would like to switch to Linux (Ubuntu or Debian), but have a couple of questions.

  1. Is there a way to play steam games designed for Windows on Linux?/What are the drawbacks of doing this?
  2. Is there a way to transfer files from my old OS to the new one without using external drives (i dont have one ;-;)
  3. Is there a distro more suited to a Windows user going into linux rehab?
  4. Is there anything else I should be aware of?

TIA as always comrades and good day.

  • ennemi [he/him]
    11 months ago

    Is there a way to play steam games designed for Windows on Linux?/What are the drawbacks of doing this?

    Yes. Drawbacks are maybe 1% of games don't work, another 5% require some fiddling to get running. Also, modding can be a lot harder.

    Is there a way to transfer files from my old OS to the new one without using external drives (i dont have one ;-;)

    If all you have is the drive you've installed Windows on, then you'll be writing over that and you'll need some sort of medium for the transfer. You don't need to buy anything though. It could be a cloud storage service (Dropbox or whatever) or a laptop you have lying around.

    Is there a distro more suited to a Windows user going into linux rehab?

    I'd recommend something that runs KDE. With a little configuration it can be like you went back in time to the Windows 7 era, before all the enshittification began.

    Is there anything else I should be aware of?

    Do be aware that you used Windows for years upon years and you are just getting into something new. You will need to adapt and learn new things. Don't be a baby-duck-syndrome kind of person.