• Reva@startrek.website
    1 year ago

    But you don't have the authority over words. Words don't have innate meaning given to them by some God; their meaning is defined by usage. And it's very obvious that people use these terms very differently.

    They do not have a meaning, since almost each native speaker uses them differently. You are not the authority over their meaning, no matter how righteous you think yourself, and neither do I. Meaning is defined by popular usage.

    • masquenox@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      But you don’t have the authority over words.

      I have said nothing about authority. You, on the other hand...

      their meaning is defined by usage

      ...ascribe those with the deepest pockets and vilest agendas the power to "define" the meaning of terms for you. Fox News gets to "define" the usage of the term socialism as "gubment doing stuff" (or whatever white supremacist nazi crack-pipe logic they are peddling these days) - but that doesn't rob the term socialism of it's actual meaning in any way or shape whatsoever. Fox News doesn't get to wipe away hundreds of years of socialist theory - that's why their ilk are resorting to burning books. They have failed to strip meaning from ideas despite all the trillions they have spent on their propaganda - so now they are resorting to the age-old tactic of simply attampting to prevent people from coming into contact with said meaning in the first place.

      The exact same goes for what is "left" or "right," or that which is "radical" or "reactionary" - usage does not dictate meaning. The distance between the usage and the actual meaning of a term merely demonstrates the intelectual integrity (or lack thereof) and/or understanding (or lack therof) of the user.

      • Reva@startrek.website
        1 year ago

        There is no "actual meaning". There is no "using words wrong". You do not understand how human language works. Language is defined by its users, not by you, or a dictionary, or a historian.

        • masquenox@lemmy.ml
          1 year ago

          So you have nothing left to argue with... except to bang on the table as hard as you can?