Bit of a mixed bag. He produces some stuff that I think is very good, some stuff that’s dumb drama, and some stuff that I want to light on fire. If I had to guess I’d say he still has some patsoc/Western chauvinist brainworms from being an Australian “expat” in Argentina.
Western chauvinistic a bit, maybe.... but what brings ye to say this?
I don’t recall any specific thing I could point to; perhaps something in his both-sides-ish Uyghur genocide video.
That's all? I mean, there are lots of things to criticize him for (his belief in the existence of Uyghur genocide, despite skepticism in Western media, and his opposition to BayArea415, the Grayzone, etc)
But God willing, this guy is more or less likely to be an ultra-leftist Maoist than a pro-settler 'socialist'...
He criticizes Maupin and Infrared, for Dios sake
I didn’t say he’s a a full-on patsoc, I said I think he may still have some patsoc brainworms, which I think ended up coloring his coverage of Xinjiang. Also, it sounds like you consider all of patriotic socialism to be as far right as Maupin & Infrared, people I see as even further to the right still: as Nazbols/crypto-fascists/MAGA Communists. But now I’m splitting hairs that probably aren’t worth splitting.
Edit to add: My understanding of patriotic socialism is any imperial core socialist who hasn’t fully embraced anti-imperialism/anticolonialism.
Sorry, for me
My understanding of patriotic socialism is more or less centered around especially settler nationalism but also right wing nationalism in general used by socialists for vulgar means of gaining followers, especially in 1st world and Eastern Bloc
He does not have any rightist brain worms to qualify for that misnomer...
Besides, he strikes me as a believer in Revolutionary Defeatism, if ye ask me (eg. Falklands video) Even with Australia, his supposed native country , a lot of criticism hailed at its founding as a settler colonial entity and its reactionary nature
To me, just call him an ultra leftist and that's it...
Or a lib, at worst
I found YouTube links in your comment. Here are links to the same videos on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Link 1:
Link 2:
When he isnt being a clown he makes some of the best leftist content out there. I personally just ignore all his drama videos and watch the rest cuz they are almost all interesting, and informative with good sources that are usually interesting on their own right.
Depends which channel you're watching of the two he has. His main channel is outstanding for 99% of topics he covers, well sourced, researched and presented. His alternative streaming clips channel is much more rough, it's clear the guy's got no filter whatsoever and is willing to go off on anyone for better or for worse, which makes him come off as pretty damn unlikeable at times.
But overall it's a small compromise for the good stuff he does put out, so he's fine in my book.
When he's talking about things, usually pretty good.
When he's talking about YT drama, insufferable. Skip those videos.
He's good on latin America but slightly worse on China. Overall I think he's pretty good
I've listened to an episode of The Deprogram he featured in, but that was some time ago and I have since forgotten what I thought of him