• Egon [they/them]
    4 days ago

    If your electoral system doesn't include a royal rumble, then I'm not interested. But I am interested.

    Also wrestling is supposedly good again now that HHH is in charge?

    • BGDelirium [he/him]
      4 days ago

      Maybe some qualifier battle royals for the spots in the Money In the Bank. Real all 20 people in the ring type Smackdown Main Event shit.

      I had finally stopped watching stale WWE when AEW came along; followed their shenanigans for the first couple of yeatd and it was fun. Always hated HHH when he was an active wrestler. Maybe he's better as a show-runner, idk

      Then I got married and had a kid. Traded watching wrestling alone with watching anime with my wife.

      • Mindfury [he/him]
        4 days ago

        post UFC-merger and Vince going down forever for credible historic sex trafficking and assault suits, there has been a marked improvement

        also Shaun Michaels now has the book in NXT and is cooking. In absolutely unbelievable scenes to anyone who watched a decade ago, NXT/WWE seems to have a new working partnership with TNA and people are showing up unannounced anywhere

        • Egon [they/them]
          4 days ago

          Those text messages were really something

    • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
      4 days ago

      AEW carried things for awhile there, then right as it started to get kinda mid Tiriple H took over and WWE picked up the ball and yeah its pretty good right now. And AEW is still usually like, watchable.