Initially, LinkedIn was just another site where you could find jobs. It was simple to use, simple to connect with others; it even had some friendly groups with meaningful discussions.

And then it gained monopoly as the "sole" professional network where you could actually land a job. If you are not on LinkedIn now, you are quite invisible in the job market. Recruiters are concentrated there, even if they have to pay extremely high prices for premium accounts. The site is horrible now: a social network in disguise, toxic and boring influencers, and a lot of noise and bloated interface to explore.

When Google decided to close their, GitHub filled a void. It was a simple site powered by git (not by svn or CVS), and most of the major open-source projects migrated there. The interface was simple, and everything was perfect. And then something changed.

GitHub UI started to bloat, all kinds of "features" nobody asked for were implemented, and then the site became a SaaS. Now Microsoft hosts the bulk of open-source projects the world has to offer. GitHub has become a monopoly. If you don't keep your code there, chances are people won't notice your side projects. This bothers me.

Rant over. I hate internet monopolies.

    1 year ago

    At least, there's Codeberg, run by a German nonprofit, who's challenging the monopoly. It is aimed exclusively for FOSS projects, private repositories are forbidden. They are running Forgejo as their bloat-free software forge server.

    Now, I think every Web2 website must be operated by a nonprofit.

    1 year ago

    I see two points in your argument:

    Everything becoming a social network

    People working at tech companies have to justify their salary somehow and this is low hanging fruit for adding 'features' as all people feel some need for connection. Feeling that a place is alive with other people will motivate your more to engage with it, rather than say, your own Git hosted server. I don't mind the social features added to GitHub as long as they don't take the main stage, like it did in the LinkedIn transformation.

    GitHub monopoly of open source

    GitHub has for most of the time been the main place for open source. I don't see a monopoly as necessarily bad as long as it remains focused on some values other than profit. I would rather have one big Wikipedia than a shitload of small fractured Wikipedias. Can it become a problem going forward, like it did with Reddit? Definitely, but I am cautiously optimistic. And in the worst case, git is heavily decentralized by design so you're one git remote add && git push away from moving. Migrating issues would be a bit more of a hassle, but surely there are solutions. And CI is not easily portable, but not a huge amount of work to convert to other formats.

      1 year ago

      SourceForge went to shit when it was the de-facto location for free and open source software, now GitHub is where Sourceforge used to be. When will people learn?

    1 year ago

    Has GitHub actually done anything negative? Your comments really just sound like fear mongering, I can't see any actual issues.

    What is the bloat you're referring to? The UI is clean and simple. Navigating and searching code is intuitive. The issue tracker is basic but reliable. Releases are clear. GitHub Actions are complex but featureful and incredibly useful. GitHub Packages are basic but useful. GitHub Copilot is damn impressive.

      1 year ago

      They scanned open source repos and made an LLM out of it. Now companies can profit from open source code without contributing back to the ecosystem. The only contribution they make is the money they pay to Microsoft for Copilot. So Microsoft is profiting from OSS code and stifling its community.

      Does this outweigh the free hosting of the code? IDK

    1 year ago

    monopoly: the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.

    GitHub is not a monopoly: it has competition. If you're upset about it's market share, switch to GitLab, Bitbucket, or host your own instance. If you're upset about people not being aware of the other options, be an advocate and spread awareness of the alternatives.

      1 year ago

      It's not a monopoly, but it's still an oversized influence on the market. I think the poster is arguing that: when have you heard a recruiter ask you for your bitbucket account? But they will look at github.