Principal Engineer for Accumulate

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Of course I don’t browse the web with the command line.

    That's my point. Browsing the web with a command line tool is obnoxious - you use a GUI for tasks that you find easier/more pleasant to do with a GUI. The difference is where that line is. When I'm reviewing what work I've done and checking through my code for debugging statements and other cruft I don't want to push, I prefer to have a nice tree view of my change set where I can click on an item, see what I've changed, select lines and stage them, select other lines and revert them, etc. I could do all of that with command line tools (though not that many have mouse support) but I already know how to do exactly what I want with VSC so why would I use anything else?

    You’re already programming! Just learn the tool!

    If someone is incapable of learning the tool, that's an issue if they're a developer. But your statement implies that everyone should use the CLI for everything. My point is that it's a matter of preference. The CLI is not superior and GUIs aren't superior. They're both just tools and if you can get your job done quickly and efficiently, that's all that should matter.

  • Do you use the command line for everything? Do you edit with vim, view diffs with git diff, browse the web with links or lynx?

    GUIs are useful tools. I’m happy with VSCode’s git integration. It’s just what I need for basic stuff like staging files and committing. I use the CLI whenever I want to do something like rebasing because I can type that command faster than I can figure out the GUI, but it would be stupid to artificially force myself to use the CLI for everything because of some kind of principal.

  • I wouldn't say it was a shit university, part of it is that I knew how to write code before I got there. But the CS program wasn't great. My entire point is, if someone has a CS degree from University X and you don't know if that program at that university is any good, the degree is meaningless. If the university's CS program isn't any good, you can't count on the degree meaning anything.

  • User provided content (post using custom emojis) caused havoc when processing (doesn’t matter if on server or on client). This is lack of sanitization of user-provided-data.

    100%. Always act as though user provided content is malicious.

    JavaScript (TypeScript) has access to cookies (and thus JWT). This should be handled by web browser, not JS.

    Uh... what? JavaScript is a client-side language (unless you're using NodeJS, which Lemmy is not). Which means JavaScript runs in the browser. And that JavaScript has access to cookies, that's just a basic part of how web browsers work. Lemmy can't do anything to prevent that.

    How the attacker got those JWTs? JavaScript sent them to him? Web browser sent them to him when requesting resources form his server? This is lack of site isolation, one web page should not have access to other domains, requesting data form them or sending data to them.

    Again, Lemmy can't do anything about that. Once there's a vulnerability that allows an attacker to inject arbitrary JS into the site, Lemmy can't do anything to prevent that JS from making requests.

    Then, if they want to administer something, they should log-in using separate username + password into separate log-in form and display completely different web page

    On the backend you'd still have a single system which kind of defeats the purpose. Unless you're proposing a completely independent backend? Because that would be a massive PITA to build and would drastically increase the system's complexity and reduce maintainability.