Permanently Deleted

  • Beaver [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I think the current player base is diehard fans who have been playing for 20 years. Normies like us stand no chance bawllin-sad

    Still a great split screen couch multiplayer game, though.

    • TheronGuard [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Still a great split screen couch multiplayer game, though.

      Not on the PC, it isn't, despite the constant calls from the PC userbase to add it in. I actually think the MCC team has done a great job with the game. They've gone above and beyond making a simple barebones PC port and added all kinds of fun additional content to the game, and they're still quietly chugging away at it. Just a shame the matchmaking can be so brutal.

      There is the Custom Games Browser too, but most of the games on there seem to be weird Forge minigames and modded gamemodes. I just want a casual Slayer or Big Team Battle match from 2008 cowboy-cri

      I guess you could try hosting your own game on the CGB but I haven't given that a shot.