This is the life right here....

Best Healthcare in the world (right crowder?)

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    7 days ago

    I live somewhere with public healthcare. Except for dentistry because of politics between the doctors' and the dentists' organisations back in the 1960's. If you're really lucky and can prove to the council that you're poor enough they might grant you enough money to have an infected tooth pulled out but that's the amount of dentistry available to those of us who cannot afford thousands of dollars in dentistry bills.

    Dentistry is one of my greatest fears. It is always there looming in the background.

    • huf [he/him]
      7 days ago

      you cant let the state cover the luxury bones! if they do that, why, poor people might have better teeth and then how would we tell them apart from the real people?

      • SoyViking [he/him]
        7 days ago

        The reason given from politicians for excluding that one part of the body from universal healthcare is:

        • It's too expensive! We can't afford it! It would cost a billion gazillion to do it! (They then proceed to buy a deathstar from US arms dealers in order to show Putler who has the biggest dick)
        • We would rather target spending directly at those who need it most (they then go on to doing fuckall to improve dental health for the poor)
        • But we would have to take that money from other parts of the healthcare system! (No they wouldn't, they just don't want to tax the rich, cut the military or run a deficit)
        • You poors should be ashamed of yourself for not brushing your teeth! Ashamed I say! (Because these c*nts can't help themselves letting their mouths run over with the class hatred boiling in their hearts)