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"Members of the party were average people who didn't take part in the genocide"
They knew what the fuck they were signing up for. They're not stupid. I hate the narrative that those who follow conservative/fascist mindsets are sheep, because that isn't true. If you follow nazism, you are a nazi. That is it. If you follow an ideology which does an action at the expense of oppressed groups, that isn't "being average". That's just taking advantage of privilege. I can't believe people would dumb down nazis and conservatives as sheep.
<Nazi apologia>
Fuck all Nazis. See a Nazi, punch a Nazi. All that jazz.
I think "all that jazz" is my least favourite lib-ism. It's the most token, empty way they can try and pretend to agree with you, the laziest thing they say to pretend they're your friend.
You can't call someone a Nazi unless they come from the Nazi region of Germany. Anyone else is just a sparkling fascist.
I actually had a friend tell me this once, in 2017 after Charlottesville. When I called those guys Nazis, he said, "You're minimizing what the Jewish people went through during the Holocaust. If they're not a member of the NSDAP, they're not Nazis."
The premise of not wanting to use Holocaust related words lightly is a good idea because of things like double genocide theory.
However, when someone has explicit genocidal intent, denying it is literally enabling a genocide.
The most perturbing question for the liberal is the question of violence. The liberal’s initial reaction to violence is to try to convince the oppressed that violence is an incorrect tactic, that violence will not work, that violence never accomplishes anything. The Europeans took America through violence and through violence they established the most powerful country in the world. Through violence they maintain the most powerful country in the world. It is absolutely absurd for one to say that violence never accomplishes anything.
Most societies in the West are not opposed to violence. The oppressor is only opposed to violence when the oppressed talks about using violence against the oppressor. Then the question of violence is raised as the incorrect means to attain one’s ends.
These sort of people act like the organized violence inflicted by the oppressor was just siblings having a shouting match and having to learn to share space. No sense of the gravity of what they're talking about.
I believe that as early as 1919, dealing with ethnic minorities by means of extermination was an option on the German Fascists’ table. (Warning: racism.) There were occasional hints at this in the ’20s and ’30s, like when Adolf Schicklgruber wrote in his book that ‘The nationalization of the masses can be successfully achieved only if, in the positive struggle to win the soul of the people, those who spread the international poison among them are exterminated.’
Later in 1933, a Fascist article unambiguously stated that ‘The Jewish people must be exterminated from the face of the earth.’ The possibility certainly worried Franz Werfel (alav hashalom), who was upset about the Central Powers’ attempted annihilation of the Armenians, which almost certainly inspired the Fascists.
what about the schlub who repaired people’s plumbing?
Even if he were somehow ignorant of the NSDAP’s white supremacy, he still benefitted from it: antisemitism freed up more employment opportunities for gentiles, eliminated Jewish competitors, and forced Jews (and legally ‘Jewish’ people) to soak up capitalism’s consequences, such as inflation and high taxes. The Fascist bourgeoisie also benefitted quite nicely from cheap Jewish labor, and even businessmen who saved Jews still contributed to the Axis war machine.
The union shouldn't have stopped at berlin, nor Germany, nor the rest of the west European countries