Like when you send a .7z instead of a .zip or .rar to a friend or a teacher because that's what your computer has installed and they're like "Oh No, not one of those, now I have to install 7Zip" even though the same program that opens .rar also opens .7z I feel like people are way more annoyed when they receive a .7z

  • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
    1 year ago

    Can't comment on that because I don't send archives very often, but here's my aliases (aliae?) in my .bashrc to make extracting easier:

    alias 7x='7z x'

    alias untar='tar -xvf'

    alias untargz='tar -xvzf'

    alias untarxz='tar -xf'

    alias ux='unrar x'

    and for zip files it's just unzip