This is my second "I feel like a complete idiot" question of the week, so thank you for your patience.

How does one find an app-id, e.g., for setting up window rules in my window manager (River)? For example, if I'm using Nautilus as a file manager and I wanted to have the Nautilus Previewer window float by defining a River WM rule, I can do every bit of that trivially, other than identifying the app-id. (In this case, I believe it's org.gnome.NautilusPreviewer, but I'm looking for a general case.) Please note this question is about Wayland and not X.

I dropped into GNOME and viewed active windows with Looking Glass (lg), but that seems like a silly workflow just to ID a window.

      3 months ago

      That does, indeed, help. And I got to the 3rd page of google/kagi results without seeing any hint of it. Thank you so much.

      3 months ago

      Can you provide a little more info? I cant even see how to install this from the provided link, nor what it does.

        3 months ago

        The repository has Makefile so you can build the executable with make:

        $ cd /tmp
        $ git clone
        $ cd lswt
        $ make
        $ ./lswt
        $ sudo make install (optional)
          3 months ago

          Okay but I am not going to make something where I have to read the sourcecode in order to get any info. Thanks anyway.

            3 months ago

            You don't have to read the source code. You just clone the repo and run make to install it. Then just run the lswt command which will show you app-ids of any running apps.