• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Interesting. So, you never heard of Fedora CoreOS, Fedora Silverblue, Fedora Kinoite, uBlue, Aurora, Bazzite and Bluefin?

    Silverblue yes, rest no.

    Snapper also seems to be properly integrated on the derivatives of other distros; e.g. Garuda, Siduction and SpiralLinux to name a couple. So, again, this selling point doesn’t seem unique.

    I have no clue how that is done on those distros, never tried any of those. I just know that it is even "hard" to replicate the configuration of snapper on a system like Void Linux. But that might also stem from my lack of knowledge. At least the guides I found didn't provide the same result.

    Interesting. Like, in which cases would you recommend something else for example?

    I am glad you also think highly of Tumbelweed, but I think it has the disadvantage of not having such an amazing documentation as other distros. If you stumble upon something and are looking for a fix online, you won't find as much resources for it as there are for debian based distros for example.

    All in all, I have to thank you for this amazing exchange. I think this is one of the most friendly and informative exchanges I had on lemmy so far. :)

  • Thanks for the detailed reply. I see where you are coming from but I for example never head about Fedora Atomic whilst I am familiar with OpenSUSE MicroOS, GUIX, NixOS. I noticed that MicroOS is the server oriented immutable whilst Aeon is the new orientation for Desktop... ANYWAY, all this immutable talk is anyway pointless, because I was talking about general distributions and not a discussion about immutable distros.

    On the topic which distro adopted what first, my confusion did stem from by what context. As I tried to make clear with my confusion about fedora not being rolling release. To cut all this talk short here my answer to your question:

    The default value of OpenSUSE Tumbleweed is pretty strong because

    • rolling release
    • zypper having sane args for regular tasks (install, search etc.)
    • btrfs as default filesystem
    • optimal snapper integration which leads into
    • making a rolling release distro suitable for non-technical people/daily usage without fear of regular updates

    But this is just a general recommendation for "distros". If the requirements get more specific it makes much more sense to make proper recommendations.

  • I am not sure I understand what you mean by:

    Consider checking up on where Wayland, systemd, PipeWire, PulseAudio etc first appeared; so on which particular distro. Are you referring to use those packages as default? Afaik Fedora OS is not even rolling release, so I cannot fathom how it has packages earlier than the typical bleeding-edge candidates. Fedora Atomic Why are you mixing Fedora Atomic with the regular Fedora Distro? It’s also the most mature attempt. Derivatives like Bazzite are the product of this endeavour. From the OG distros, only openSUSE (with its Aeon) has released an attempt. However, it seems to be less ambitious in scope and vision. ...how is something like this objectively valid? I understand you like Fedora, but you make claims without any proof or just pure opinion based.

  • Changing from arch to fedora was mostly based on his ties with Red Hat. I am still waiting here for ANY REASON for a private person to chose ANYTHING from red hat, without having ties with them. Their documentation is horrid and mostly hidden behind some kind of login bullshit.

    Edit: Also the take on KDE "being" bloated. It misses the point. KDE has so many moving cogs that it gets quite hard to fix issues you come across. That is why its "bloated". Nobody is complaining about working features which are useful. But if some window rules are bugging out, good luck fixing that on KDE.