‘US government documents admit that the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not necessary to end WWII. Japan was on the verge of surrendering. The nuclear attack was the first strike in Washington's Cold War on the Soviet Union. Ben Norton reviews the historical record.’
Japan's Holocaust was as bad as the Nazi's. They were killing, raping, mutilating, and enslaving millions of Chinese, Burmese, Korean, Vietnamese, and other peoples on a daily basis. Every extra day the Japanese empire was in power was another day of hell for millions of innocent people. Japan's rulers know the War was lost after Germany fell. They were happy to keep the killing going.
I guess that justifies the murder of civilians for you?
By that logic, 9/11 was justified
Please explain, in detail, why the lives of the Japanese civilians in Hiroshima were more important then the lives of the Korean/Burmese/Chinese people being killed every day?
Please explain, in detail, why the lives of American civilians in the twin towers were more important than the lives of middle eastern people being killed every day?
Do you see how horrific and crazy this sounds? Using your logic, you can justify killing civilans of most countries, hell using your logic France deserves to get nuked out of existence because of what they are currently doing to West Africa.
Thankfully we shouldn't use this logic.
Yes, war is bad. we all agree.
Now, please explain why letting the Japanese keep on killing civilians is morally superior to stopping that.
I don't think you understand what the word "civilian" means
The Japanese Empire was killing a lot of civilians. Chinese civilians, Burmese civilians, Vietnamese civilians. Explain to me why their lives shouldn't be considered important?
Explain to me how murdering a bunch of Japanese grandparents, children, babies, and non-combatant adults does anything to remedy that.
By that logic, it's A-OK for Iraq to come murder everyone in NYC and for Afghanistan to kill the entire state of Wyoming.
To repeat something that I wrote a dozen days ago, it is good to see somebody acknowledging some of the Empire of Japan’s violence against civilians, but two wrongs don’t make a right. Most of the victims of the bombings were civilians who had no direct involvement in their government’s atrocities, and we’ve seen from the Axis’s reprisals how counterproductive it was to use the local civilians as whipping boys, so punishing them for ‘their’ military’s atrocities is not only grossly unfair but wasteful.
That said, I should get around to talking more about the Eastern Axis’s atrocities against other Asians. I already talked about the famines in Java and Vietnam, but that is far from enough.
The Japanese imperial military machine was responsible for those atrocities. Not the toddlers and grandmas the US bombed.
Even after accepting your premise there is a huge amount of middle ground between doing nothing and nuking civilian centres.
Like what, exactly?
Remember two things. First were the Asian peoples who were being slaughtered by the Empire. Why should they go on suffering one extra day? The other is that Truman had an obligation to protect American lives; that was his sworn duty. Why should he allow any US service men to die to protect the lives fo Japaense?
Nice grandstanding, too bad part of the victims the US nuked included Korean slave workers brought against their will from Korea, so that reasoning doesn't fly. Or are Korean lives worth less than non-Koreans?
Zero American lives would've been lost if they just held a naval blockade while the Soviet Union launched the invasion from Manchuria to Hokkaido. Nobody said it's the US who had to invade Japan. Whatever casualties the Red Army would suffer would be Stalin's problem, not Truman's. Like you said, why should he allow any US service men to die?
It's pretty funny that you have no problem with Stalin unleashing his people on Japan. Why is it more moral to let a mad man like Stalin decimate a country that to drop the bomb oneself?
Imagine saying this in response to US military leaders being on the record that the nukes were unnecessary and/or barbarous.
I notice not one Korean or Vietnamese was consulted as to if the bomb should be dropped.
oh you mean the folks liberated by the Soviets? that were subsequently terrorized by the US military? because the US had shown the world that it was willing to nuke civilians for no reason, those people?
so let me get this straight, US nuking cities is good in your opinion even though it achieve no military objectives according to US military leaders? but the US invading and occupying Korea and Vietnam is not contextually relevant?
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dropping the bombs did not end the conflict sooner. and it certainly didn't bring justice for anyone. the US prevented that from happening by exonerating the people who actually conducted the atrocities.
Your description of the conditions is correct but your conclusion is a non-sequitur. It does not follow logically that the only or best option to stop those atrocities was to mass murder civilians. Despite what the propaganda about the bombings that has since been inculcated into the western public claims, they were not in fact necessary for compelling Japan's surrender. There were already internal disputes about this in the Japanese leadership for some time, but after their decisive defeat in Manchuria at the hands of the Red Army the decision to surrender as soon as possible became pretty much unanimous. Every day that went by was another day that the Soviets took more territory and came closer and closer - through the Kurils - to the Japanese home islands. The Japanese imperialists knew just as well as the Nazis that they stood a much better chance of avoiding punishment for their crimes (and some of them even being allowed to retain some power in the post war state) if they surrendered to the US rather than the USSR. Moreover we now know that the US leaders knew this. Their primary motivations were to have a live weapons test and to intimidate the Soviet Union.
and to deny the USSR their due in treaty by claiming that they didn't help defeat Japan/ preventing them from doing another gosh darn destroying Nazi Germany and hogging more credit
you probably know this but for the sake of clarity, the atomic bombs were dropped on August 6th, and a few days later on the 9th. Soviets invaded on the 7th. their plans for Hokkaido were for the 24th, and cancelled by the surrender.
post war assessments make clear that soviets' comprehensive destruction of the Kwantung army was perceived by parts of the japanese and us governments as sufficient on its own to force the surrender, but your comment sort of reads like the americans dropped the bombs after the soviet's success to force the japanese to surrender to them instead, which is chronologically unsound.
You say there were 'options,' yet somehow managed to avoid actually naming them.
What would you tell the Koreans/Chinese/Burmese whose families died while the negotiations stretched out?
And what of the Japanese civilians? Are their lives automatically forfeit because they had the gall to be born in the bad guy country?
Do not justify atrocities with other atrocities. And do not ignore the bulk of another person's argument to pretend they had no argument. You just look like an idiot when you do that.
What of the Japanese civilians?
You haven't given me one word about why their lives were more valuable than the enslaved peoples.
Well this is some inverted reasoning. The bombs didn't end the war quicker and the US military didn't think that they would. It was pointless cruelty to civilians that saved no one, for the sake of intimidating the USSR.
And if we follow this logic, then every (white) inhabitant of the US deserves to have every single atom of their bodies blasted out into interstellar space at the speed of light for their country's past and present crimes.
You're being deliberately obtuse, take your concern trolling elsewhere.
Not much since there'd be quite few of them. Japan would be on the retreat at that point and would have very limited capacity to carry out further atrocities.
What would you tell people that lost their families in the Korean war to support the atomic bombs, since Japan surrendering to the US instead of the USSR all but guaranteed that war?
Japan already knew they had lost and were trying to surrender at that point.
"A limited capacity." Or, they might have decided that if they were going to lose, they would take as many people as they could with them.
Read up on biological warfare Unit 731 and tell me that there was no chance they'd have killed as many people as they could.
Fascists are often cowards, I'm not saying they wouldn;t callously kill people during their retreat, rather that atrocities take planning and coordination, ergo time, time they wouldn't have if they wanted to flee and they would have,
If your logic held up there'd be little stopping them from committing these light-speed atrocoties between the second bomb and the surrender.
Plus, if they really wanted to go out in a blaze-of-glory Goetterdaemmerung situation, why would the atomic bombs have made any difference whatsoever? The argument seems to be "the Japanese government wanted to kill Japanese civilians, and the only way we Americans could stop them was by... killing Japanese civilians."
See also: Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea etc.
It just keeps going.
So glad US nuked civilians so they could have sole occupation of Japan.
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plz explain how these bombs killing civilians and enslaved people achieved anything for these groups you mention, it is very unclear how those are logically connected in your mind
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I didn't name the option because it was implied. The option was: don't use the nuclear bombs. Everything else stays the same. The Japanese would have still surrendered within the same timeframe. There would have been no stretched out negotiations for precisely the reason i laid out, namely that every day that they did not surrender their position wrt the Soviet Union became worse and worse. And there is no evidence to suggest that the bombing of civilians, either in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or in the firebombing of Tokyo and other cities, did anything whatsoever to bring about the unconditional surrender any faster.
Murdering civilians does not compel fascist regimes to surrender because - newsflash! - fascists don't value human life. The bombings of civilians in Germany by the western allies also had no effect on the timing of the Nazi defeat, and neither did the same actions in Japan. And in fact this does not just apply to fascist states, killing civilians is simply not an effective strategy in war in general. The Nazis didn't achieve anything with their bombing raids on London, they would have been better off had they kept focusing on military targets. Killing civilians in the erroneous belief that this will intimidate your enemy into surrender is called terrorism, and moral judgements aside it is simply a fact that that is a counterproductive strategy.
Nowadays the Kiev Nazi regime are also under the similar delusion that if they just hit enough civilian targets in Russia this will somehow destabilize Russia or scare Putin into backing off. It is not working, and entirely unsurprisingly is having the exact opposite effect.
Japan had been trying to surrender for months before the bombs were dropped. the US could have simply accepted the terms and executed the military leaders. instead they dropped the bombs, accepted the terms, and inducted the worst war criminals into the US military.
as mentioned in the video, Japan was already willing to surrender because of the USSR
If they were so willing, why didn't they just do it?
As soon as the soviet invasion of Manchuria started they met to discuss surrender.
Which was, incidentally, before the second bomb dropped.
they were already attempting to surrender before that. they just had one single term - that the emperor would be allowed to live. the Americans stalled them, holding out for an unconditional surrender (which they didn't stick to after the bombs were dropped), and when they went to the Soviets after, they were ignored because Stalin wanted to remain on good terms with the US / wanted favorable terms at Malta.
perhaps "expected to be willing" would be a better description; see this comment
the US refused to accept the terms, which were that the emperor would be allowed to live. they subsequently accepted the same terms after the bombs were dropped. US diplomatic cables suggest that the real reason the bombs were dropped were 1. to test their effectiveness and 2. to send a message to the Soviets.
they also attempted to surrender to the Soviets, desperately, once they realized the US was stalling them. the Soviets ignored their attempts to surrender because they wanted to remain on good terms with the US and the talks at Malta, to broker the new world order post WWII, had yet to happen.
Nothing you said was wrong, but the conclusion doesn't follow to me. Does any of that justify the bombings? The US didn't nuke two military bases, these were largely civilian city centers. Relevant military targets (within range of US bombers) had generally already all been levelled at that point.
Not to mention that it has been shown, time and time again, that the nuclear bombs were not integral to the Japanese surrender. Unless your argument is simply that murdering civilians is totally okay purely out of a sense of revenge.
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You don't have to compare atrocities of the scale of Nazi regimes or the Fascist Imperial Japanese regime.
Behold the MOAB! (mother of all bad takes)
Yep, I'd expect to see something like this pretty much anywhere on the US internet today, since August 9th is the one day of the year when Japan goes from Wholesome Anime Country to Evil Genocidal Asiatic Barbarian Land in the minds of most Americans. I would not have expected to see it on GenZedong.
this is a bad bad take
It doesn't matter how atrocious a county's leaders and their conscripted goons are. Innocent masses of civilians don't deserved to be dehumanized and wantonly slaughtered.
And also, it wasn't just Japanese people that died in these bomb attacks. Plenty of these migrant slaves that the Japan colonized died in them too.
By this logic, if thousands of Japanese civilians deserved to die in nuclear hellfire because of their fascist rulers, what horrific retribution do innocent Americans "deserve"?
do you understand the difference between a state and it's military vs the civilians who merely live there? the people who committed those atrocities were inducted into the American military apparatus.