Just found this site. (I’ve been avoiding reddit lately.) Now I’ve got an incentive to make D&D memes again. Migrating my old stuff gradually while I come up with new ideas.

  • Dice@ttrpg.network
    11 months ago

    Mega-dungeons are great. I'm running one now and I basically have zero prep, I made the dungeon and just see where they go. They go in the dungeon and explore, get into some trouble and grab some loot. It's honestly so nice to have them dungeon crawling. My last game I was juggling plot lines across 5 cities and making custom content constantly in prep. I was burning out between 5e and building content every week.

    5e Undermountain is a very poor megadungeon.

    • Lianodel@ttrpg.network
      11 months ago

      It's also great for a sandbox game, even if it's not focused on the dungeon. Having a default option really helps get things moving, or to still have a session if you don't have everyone around (or if you want an open table).

  • Maximus_Prime@ttrpg.network
    11 months ago

    Where did you find this map‽ that’s so much more than the first level of DotMM. Is this an old version of Undermountain?

    • Cereal Nommer@ttrpg.network
      11 months ago

      Yeah. This is the 4e version of the 1st floor map. The 5e version is only a small corner of this, but I exaggerated a bit for the meme.

  • Pratai@lemmy.ca
    11 months ago

    I remember playing Keep on the Borderlands back in the 70’s. I think I might have been one of the very few at the time that questioned thee necessity of these giant and seeming pointless gauntlet style dungeons. Was so fun playing back then, but man… the logic you had to suspend just to move forward three steps. 99.9% of every dungeon was entirely pointless. But by god they were so fun!

    • Cereal Nommer@ttrpg.network
      11 months ago

      I’m in the middle of the 5e version at the moment. We’re level 11 and have reached floor 9 so far. We started December 1st of 2022 and play at least once a week.

      • Gutless2615@ttrpg.network
        11 months ago

        Mind blowing. It feels far better suited for something like Shadowdark or OSE than 5e; just totally out of place with 5e’s themes. How are you enjoying it?

        • Cereal Nommer@ttrpg.network
          11 months ago

          Loving it so far. I haven’t had a good old fashioned dungeon crawl for quite some time. Megadungeon in 5e does throw me off occasionally, but we’re doing pretty well. Only one PC died so far, but the druid/cleric revivified him before it stuck.

  • randomwords@midwest.social
    11 months ago

    You should check out the halls of Arden vul it's massive. There's a let's play on YouTube right now that is epic. Some of the best examples of old school play out there.
