Seems like most of y’all just think that since the “capitalist” countries are run by corrupt power hungry pricks that means the “communist” countries must be the good guys.
They’re all run by power hungry billionaires and you’re all being played.
(All the “” are cuz no country is run by anyone who follows the religions i mean economic theories, they’re all run by power hungry people who use the people and pit them against eachother to distract from the fact were dying and working for cults)
inb4 the ban hammer (and sickle?) drops on me
Luckily China isn't run by billionaires, not sure where you heard that. Your western countries are run by billionaires tho, capitalists stand above your political system.
Is China State Capitalist?
China is quite literally run by billionaires.
China's parliament has about 100 Billionaires and their wealth disparity has only been growing
also why do y'all keep bringing up the US? The US is run by billionaries and is full of wage slaves with no healthcare. no one here is simping for the US or saying its doing good.
Hurun is a private UK-based finance news org that pulls most of their data out of their ass. Its accountable to no one. They think Xi Xinping is a billionaire lol. The 2nd NYT article is linking the same untrustworthy source.
It's hilarious that you think you're not doing the thing in the meme I just linked, yet the article you just gave me has this quote:
There are a few billionaires in the national people's congress tho, out of 3k members. They're there for the CPC to keep accountable, and help advise on financial dealings in a globalized world market. China is also executing billionaires at the rate of about one per year, who don't fall in line.
Why not just admit you know nothing about China's political system, and try to learn about it instead of ignorantly repeating everything your news tells you?