TL;DR don't fuck with the ATF

  • DragonNest_Aidit [they/them,use name]
    3 years ago


    Guess what? They make drag magnets. A fatty magnet on the end of a rope, you toss it out, you let it sink, you reel it back, you find the tool. Al isn't magnetic, but Ni and Fe are, and your barrel ain't aluminum, comrade.

    The ATF is gonna ask you where that accident was. They're gonna sweat you. What caused it? What was the weather like? Why did you have your gun on the boat? If you're a duck hunter or have a carry license, maybe you've got legit words to speak on there. Then they're gonna put you on a skiff with alphabet boys aboard, take you out to the coordinates, and pull out a drag magnet.

    Sure, it's on them to prove it, it's on you to not speak or sell it convincingly.

    You wanna be out on the open water with feds, alone? How about an interrogation room? You wanna say no?

    You're not gonna say no. I mean obviously if you do the answer is no, but you won't. Because of the implication.

    There's a reason it's a meme. Neither you nor that boog boi are hardcore enough to openly fuck with federal law enforcement. I've been arrested, I've been fucked with by law enforcement. I've had neither of those happen with feds, but I have been interrogated by feds.

    You do not want to claim you lost your weapon(s).

    The entire point of being leftists is that in a "boog" scenario, you don't need to take that kind of risk. I have many guns. I intend to have more. Only 1 is a pistol. I can't carry more than 2 or maybe 3 if I'm overland hiking and not actively needing to use one. Here's my spare SKS, my spare AR, spare pump, whatever. Here's some snap caps, let's get you acquainted, here's some live rounds, great you got it, stay low, stay loaded, keep shooting. Let's go. We're probably fucked, let's be fucked together. Thanks for being my comrade.

    Don't fuck with the ATF, comrade. It's a bad idea. You wanna build guns for fun? Go nuts, check your state/local laws. You wanna start a company that makes guns for leftists? Go ahead.

    Know the laws, and fucking follow them. When in doubt, call a damn lawyer, for fuck's sake.

    Looking forward to the memes in the comments.

    Edit: a couple minor things. While a manufacturer can pick up a Class III SOT and deal in NFA items, they need a Class II instead in order to also manufacture them. Additionally, if you have a legal machine gun, barrel length is irrelevant, no need to get a stamp for SBR. Big thank you to u/beerglar and u/ClownShoePilot